Sunday, April 21, 2019

A New World

A New World

I decided to make an art piece that was close to my heart, and this colored-pencil painting was the ticket for the prize i yet to seek.  I have shaded the stones with color pencil to portray the detail that would be necessary to view this painting. It took me two hours at at time in 3-4 weeks to finish this project beforehand. This piece is just a reference from the front cover of; The Illusion Of Life: Disney Animation by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnson(1981). The summary of this painting is very unique in its own way but i assure you that it won't confuse you if you listen:

A fresh start, in an empty but beautiful world, pure and bright, it will seek our souls on a new destination which will give us a new beginning. A beginning unlike any other,but is the future of that world which is beyond us and time itself. As in what Valeria Luiselli said in her book Building a New World(2014): "Time is not felt as an expanse between the world and us, but as a space in which we dwell-a place of absolute belonging." You would think that time has no relevance in this world, but only then would we doubt ourselves of the truth. But until then, this new world would only be just a dream in our imagination.


Design 1 Final Project

Design I Final Project - Cinco De Mayo  As the semester ends, i decided to do one more project for my art class and in addition, ...